ZONE Rocklin
ZONE Rocklin
Zoning Ordinance and Map Update
The purpose of the ZONE Rocklin project is to update Rocklin’s Zoning Ordinance to produce a comprehensive, state-of-the-art, flexible, and user-friendly Code, consistent with the recommendations of the Community Development Department Organizational Assessment completed in 2023. The update of the City’s Zoning Ordinance is consistent with the five pillars of the 2023-2025 Rocklin Strategic Plan, and help realize Rocklin’s vision as a safe, vibrant, and livable community with a robust local economy.
This webpage serves as your one-stop shop for information about the project. We invite you to take a look around, share your thoughts, and check back often for updates on the process and to review draft documents.
Project Goals
The goal of the updated Zoning Ordinance is to create a document that achieves the following:
- Streamlined and transparent in its administration and decision-making processes
- Promotes economic development and high-quality design
- Provides flexibility
- Is intuitive, contains graphics, and user-friendly
- Is consistent with State and federal law
General Objectives
The updated Zoning Ordinance is intended to:
- Provide for a logically organized ordinance with a user-friendly index and with provisions that are easily understood by all users (e.g. simplify legalistic language)
- Protect residential communities from incompatible developments
- Reflect contemporary best practices
- Update allowable uses to reflect current business practices
- Streamline approval process for minor permits and approvals
- Explore the option of reducing and/or eliminating planned development zones, architectural districts, overlay zones, and special requirements