City Clerk
City Clerk
Welcome to the City Clerk’s webpage. The City Clerk’s office is dedicated to providing exceptional public service and connecting citizens with the legislative process.
The City Clerk is the local official who administers democratic processes such as elections, access to city records, and all legislative actions ensuring transparency to the public. The City Clerk acts as a compliance officer for federal, state, and local statutes including the Political Reform Act, the Brown Act, and the Public Records Act. The City Clerk manages public inquiries and relationships and arranges for ceremonial and official functions.
Mission Statement
To provide exceptional public service to our citizens, city
council, and city staff with integrity and impartiality.
Boards and Commissions
The City Council has established Boards and Commissions to review City programs, projects, and community issues. These Boards and Commissions provide greater community participation and input into local government and facilitate informed decisions by the City Council.
Claims against the City
Pursuant to California Government Code section 900 et seq., any person may submit a claim against the City of Rocklin for recovery of money or damages allegedly sustained. There are important limitations and exceptions to the submission of such claims, as provided by state and federal law.
Legal advice regarding claims
City staff cannot provide legal advice to any person concerning a claim against the City. Any person wishing to submit a claim to the City is encouraged to seek the advice of an attorney of their choosing.
Where to submit claims
The City Clerk of the City of Rocklin is the ONLY office to which claims may be submitted. The original and all attachments are to be filed with the City Clerk’s office. The City’s claim form is available from the City Clerk’s office and online. All claims are public record.
Review and response
Claims received by the City will be reviewed by City staff, consultants, and legal counsel, all as appropriate considering the claim. A response, if warranted, will be provided to the claimant consistent with California Government Code sections 900 et seq. A response will usually, but not always, be provided within approximately 45 days of the submission of the claim.
How to submit claim(s) against the City of Rocklin
A claim form can be obtained in the following ways:
- Download the City’s claim form electronically - City of Rocklin Claim Form
- In person at City Hall, City Clerk’s Department, 3970 Rocklin Road, Rocklin, CA 2nd Floor
- By mail, by contacting the City Clerk at (916) 625-5560 or emailing the City Clerk
Ceremonial Documents Requests
The City of Rocklin will consider a request for a proclamation, letter or certificate of appreciation, or resolution of appreciation or commendation from any group or individual, as long as the request has a significant connection to the City and its adopted goals and policies and/or promotes activities taking place in the City of Rocklin.
City of Rocklin general municipal elections are held in November of even-numbered years. Other special elections may be called from time to time by the City Council. City councilmembers are elected at large for a four-year term. The City Council serves staggered terms, i.e., two or three seats are open each election cycle.
The City Clerk’s Office is responsible for conducting municipal elections within the City of Rocklin. The following information has been prepared to help guide voters, potential candidates for office, and individuals and organizations participating in City elections.
There are three seats with terms expiring November 2024.
Nomination papers to seek office will be available from the City Clerk’s office prior to each election.
Fair Political Practices Commission Forms
Fair Political Practices Commission – Statements
To view statements for current elected officials, see the link below to use our new eRetrieval system.
Campaign Disclosure Statements (Forms 460 or 470)
To preserve the privacy of persons who participate in the political process by making contributions to candidates for elective office, addresses from the below Campaign Disclosure Statements have been redacted for the internet version. Unredacted copies are available in the Rocklin City Clerk’s office for review and/or copies can be provided at 10 cents per page.
Statement of Economic Interests (Form 700)
In some cases, Statements of Economic Interests posted below have addresses redacted. Copies may be obtained by visiting either:
- Rocklin City Clerk
3970 Rocklin Road
Rocklin, CA 95677
- Fair Political Practices Commission*
428 J Street, Suite 550
Sacramento, CA 95814
*Government Code Section 87200 identifies city elected officials (Mayor, City Attorney, Councilmembers), planning commissioners, Chief Operating Officer, and City Treasurer as statutory filers who are required to file Statements of Economic Interests. Form 700 for 87200 Filers are available on the FPPC Portal here.
- Tickets and Passes Distribution Policy (Form 802)
- James Bay Concert
- Marshall Tucker Band
- Lincoln Airfest
- 107.9 Birthday Bash
- Placer County Fair/Speedway
- Tim Flannery
- Joe Nichols
- Form 700 - Statement of Economic Interests
- Form 460 - Campaign Disclosure Statement
- Form 460 - Campaign Disclosure Statement
- Form 460 - Campaign Disclosure Statement
- Form 700 - Statement of Economic Interests
- Form 460 - Campaign Disclosure Statement
- Form 460 - Campaign Disclosure Statement
- Form 700 - Statement of Economic Interests
- Form 700 - Statement of Economic Interests
- Form 700 - Statement of Economic Interests
- Big Sam's Funky Nation Concert form 802
- Rewind Fest Lost 80s Live Concert form 802
- Rodney Atkins Concert form 802
- The Ultimate Elvis Concert form 802
- Form 806
- Form 460 - Statement of Economic Interests
- View All Forms
Public Records Request
Records are made available to the public during normal City business hours. When making a public records request, be as specific as possible. Include dates and any details regarding the requested information. Requests may be made online, by email, or in person at the City Clerk’s Office at 3970 Rocklin Road.
Public Records Request Online - under “Select a topic” click on “Public Records Request” as a topic and subtopic to get started.
Public Hearings
The City of Rocklin City Council, as well as City boards and commissions, are sometimes required by state law and/or municipal code to hold public hearings.
Although a public hearing is also a public meeting, or occurs in the context of a public meeting, the main purpose of most public hearings is to obtain public testimony or comment. A public hearing may occur as part of a regular or special meeting, or it may be the sole purpose of a special meeting, with no other matters addressed.
There is generally a 10-day noticing period for public hearings.