Ceremonial Documents Requests
Ceremonial Documents Requests
The City of Rocklin will consider a request for a proclamation, letter or certificate of appreciation, or resolution of appreciation or commendation from any group or individual, as long as the request has a significant connection to the City and its adopted goals and policies and/or promotes activities taking place in the City of Rocklin.
Examples of ceremonial documents are as follows:
Letters From The Mayor
Letters of Welcome for:
- New businesses
- Conferences, conventions or seminars
- Sporting events
- New residents
- Dignitaries
- Prominent individuals
Letters of Congratulations or Celebration for:
- Professional or community celebrations
- Special events sponsored by community partners
- Significant birthdays or marriage anniversaries
Letters of Appreciation for:
- Monetary donations
- In-kind contributions
- Cultural contributions
- Volunteer efforts
Information required: Requestors should indicate the title or nature of the event, the specific date, a brief history of the organization or a biographical outline of the person, and any other pertinent information including an address for the letter.
Mayoral Proclamations
Ceremonial proclamations are often requested of the City in recognition of an event or individual. Proclamations are not statements of policy, but a manner in which the City can make special recognition of an event (e.g., Red Ribbon Week). As part of his/her ceremonial responsibilities, the Mayor is charged with the administration of and issuance of proclamations. Individual Councilmembers do not issue proclamations.
Proclamations for:
- Civic celebrations
- Organizations contributing to the economic development of the City
- Issues with widespread community interest (with a primary emphasis on requests in support of the stated goals and policies of the City Council)
- Significant community-based events
- Significant anniversaries of City of Rocklin-based institutions, corporations, community partners, and non-profit organizations
- Fundraisers benefiting the citizens of Rocklin
Information required: A brief history of the organization or a description of the purpose, goals, motto or theme of the event is required to complete the proclamation. If funds are to be raised, who will benefit from the event, and what will take place during the time of celebration/recognition, including dates and times.
Resolutions of the City Council
Resolutions of Appreciation for:
- Monetary donations
- In-kind contributions
- Cultural contributions
- Volunteer efforts
Resolutions of Commendation for:
- Heroism
- Eagle Scout achievement
- School or sports groups achievements
- Non-profit corporations
- Retirements
- Individuals or groups who have made significant contributions to the community
Long-term employees (ten years or more) separating service who have made significant contributions during their employment with the City of Rocklin
Information required: A summary of the achievement or an overview of the years of service or specific contribution to the community. For donations, contribution or volunteer efforts, the name of the specific event or project, amount raised or donated, number of volunteer hours, including names of individuals or groups participating in the event.
Request & Approval of Ceremonial Document
How to Request a Ceremonial Document
Submit a written request to the attention of the Mayor on the standard application. Requests will be administered by the City Manager’s Office and the City Clerk Department and approved by the Mayor. Submitting a draft of the document desired will often expedite the process.
You may submit your request using our online form below.