Explosive Permit


Explosive Permit

To complete an application for a Explosive Permit, complete all steps listed below:

  1. Fill out a Explosive Permit Application [PDF] form
  2. Photograph or scan all items listed in the checklist (page 1)
  3. Start an application through our online eTRAKiT portal
  4. Upload the form and attachments to the portal
  5. Complete all remaining steps on the portal

The guide below provides instructions on how to use the eTRAKiT portal:

Fee Breakdown

$92 Permit fee

To complete an application for a Explosive Permit, complete all steps listed below:

  1. Fill out a Explosive Permit Application [PDF] form
  2. Photograph or scan all items listed in the checklist (page 1)
  3. Start an application through our online eTRAKiT portal
  4. Upload the form and attachments to the portal
  5. Complete all remaining steps on the portal

The guide below provides instructions on how to use the eTRAKiT portal:

Fee Breakdown

$92 Permit fee