Lasting Success for Short-term Rentals
Short-Term Rental Permit Required in Rocklin


The City of Rocklin requires a permit for property owners to offer short-term rentals on sites like Airbnb, VRBO and others. The guidelines offer owners flexibility while encouraging harmony with the surrounding neighborhood. Fill out the short-term rental form below to start renting responsibly in your neighborhood.

A clipart illustration of a house against a cyan background with the headline: Ensure Lasting Success for Your Short-Term Rental.” Below the headline is a blue check mark next to 5 positive tips for successful rentals: Rent to 6 or less people, Rent to people 21 and over, Respond to renter complaints within 30 minutes, Ensure the renter has parking onsite, and Publicly post the rental permit. To the right of this list is a red X mark with 4 warnings: Don’t rent two units on a parcel at the same time, Don’t rent out for more than 90 days a year, Don’t allow special events that require a city permit, and Don’t post ads for the rental outside the unit.


A City of Rocklin Business License is required to operate a short-term rental. A copy of the business license must be provided before permit issuance. View Get a Business License for information and to apply.

Short-Term Rental Permit Fee is required prior to permit issuance. View the Fee Schedule for updated costs.

Section One: Site Information

*If yes, applicant must:

(1) submit a copy of the CC&R’s or HOA’S with this application to the City of Rocklin (Section Five)
(2) answer the two questions below

Section Three: Secondary Point of Contact

Please provide a secondary point of content if the rental site is not the applicant’s primary residence.

Section Four: Emergency Contact

Property Owner, Applicant or Secondary Contact that is located within a 30-minute drive of rental property.

Section Five: Documents Required at Time of Application

The following documents are required to be included with the application.

Section Six: Registry Requirements (RMC 5.22.070) and Performance Standards (RMC 5.22.080)

I understand the following registry requirements and performance standards regarding short term rentals (initial each item).


Every permittee within the City of Rocklin shall keep a register containing the following information for each person who stays at the short-term rental, and shall maintain such register for a period of 18 months. The Register shall be available for inspection by the City’s Director of Community Development, and the Rocklin Police Department.

  1. Name
  2. Address
  3. Vehicle year, make, model, color
  4. License plate
  5. State in which the vehicle is registered
  6. Date of arrival
  7. Date of departure
  8. Number of guests
  9. The amount of rent paid by lodgers for each night of lodging

A. No permittee shall, for compensation, provide lodging for more than six people, or two people per number of bedrooms, whichever is greater, at any time in a short-term rental. Permittee shall not allow guests at the shortterm rental in excess of this limit after 10 p.m.

B. No permittee shall rent the short-term rental to a person under the age of 21, or rent to a person who is not also lodging at the short-term rental.

C. No permittee may rent both a dwelling unit and an accessory dwelling unit on the same parcel. It is the intent of this section that only one dwelling is rented on a short-term basis per parcel.

D. No permittee may rent a property for more than 90 days per year as a short-term rental.

E. The permittee or designated secondary contact must be able to be onsite and respond to any complaints within 30 minutes of notification, regardless of the time of day.

F. All parking associated with the operation of the short-term rental shall be onsite or on the street located in from of the subject parcel if on-street parking is permitted, and in compliance with all provisions of the City Code.

G. A permittee shall post a copy of the short-term rental permit in a conspicuous place inside the short-term rental.

H. All persons operating a short-term rental shall identify the city short-term rental permit number in any advertisement for that rental.

I. No permittee shall allow any special event that would otherwise require a city permit.

J. No permittee shall post on the exterior of the short-term rental or the parcel where the short-term rental exists, any sign or writing visible from the exterior of the short-term rental indicating that the dwelling is available for rent.

K. All short-term rentals shall comply with any and all federal, state, and/or local laws, including, without limitation, all zoning requirements and California Building Standards Code and Fire Code, as adopted by the City of Rocklin.

Section Seven: Agreement and Signature

I hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the answers I have given are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, and I understand and agree that any false or misleading answer will result in denial or revocation of any permit. Further, the City is hereby authorized to seek and verify information in this application. I understand verification of the accuracy of the application information is a matter of public record and may be made available to interested parties upon request.