City Budgets
Following are the City of Rocklin, Public Financing Authority (PFA), and Redevelopment Agency (RDA) budgets for the current year and a few previous years.
Appropriation / GANN Limits
Voters approved Proposition 4 in November of 1979, an initiative that added Article XIII B to the California Constitution. This constitutional amendment, also known as the Gann initiative, placed limits on the growth of expenditures for publicly funded programs.
Development Impact Fee Reports (AB1600)
Development Impact Fees are a monetary exaction, other than a tax or special assessment, which is charged by a local governmental agency to an applicant in connection with approval of a development project. The purpose of development impact fees is to finance the design, construction and acquisition of facilities and equipment necessary to accommodate future development within Rocklin.
FY 2023-24 Annual Development Impact Fee Reports (AB1600):
ACFR & Financial Statements
The following Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) and Audited Financial Statements include the Basic Financial Statements and Independent Auditor’s Report for each report. The information in these statements has not been updated for developments subsequent to the date of the independent auditor’s report.
Taxes and Assessments
Special Taxes and Assessments
City of Rocklin residents pay special taxes & assessments to support public improvements.
Learn more about how these taxes and assessments are collected and how they affect you.
Open Government
The Open Government Financials are a set of interactive webpages intended to improve the transparency of the City’s financial operations and provide users with the ability to customize the information they view.
Successor Agency
Pursuant to Assembly Bills 1X26 and 1484 (“the Bills”), all redevelopment agencies in the State of California were dissolved on February 1, 2012. The Bills authorized certain local agencies (e.g. a city or county) to become the Successor Agency. On January 1, 2012, the Rocklin City Council elected to become the Successor Agency for the former Rocklin Redevelopment Agency.
California City Financing
The California Local Government Finance Almanac provides data, statistics, analyses, and articles regarding city and county financing in California. The following information is among the many resources available on this website.
City of Rocklin Terms and Conditions of Purchase
Download the City of Rocklin Terms and Conditions of Purchase.