Human Resources


Human Resources Division

Welcome to Human Resources!

The City will announce job openings as they occur and applications are accepted only for posted openings.  Resumes unaccompanied by an official City application are not accepted.  See below for current job openings or visit the Human Resources office, located on the second floor of City Hall.  

Welcome to Human Resources!

The City will announce job openings as they occur and applications are accepted only for posted openings.  Resumes unaccompanied by an official City application are not accepted.  See below for current job openings or visit the Human Resources office, located on the second floor of City Hall.  


Job Openings

The following includes all current job openings available for the City of Rocklin.  Click on a full-time or part-time job title to view the posting and submit an application.  For volunteer opportunities, read the requirements and follow the instructions to submit your interest.

All applications are submitted at For a step-by-step guide on how to apply, please view the Application Guide.


The City of Rocklin is a great place to work. Join us!

Accounting Technician I/II

Construction Inspector I/II

Fire Prevention Plans Examiner

Police Officer (Lateral)

Public Safety Dispatcher II



The City of Rocklin is a great place to work. Join us!

Maintenance Worker

Program Assistant (Special Events)

Program Assistant (Venue Rentals)


Volunteer Opportunities

Are you an honest and dependable person looking for a rewarding way to spend a few hours per week? Would you like to make a difference in your community?

Volunteers provide a key role in helping the department provide service and fun activities to the community through our special events. 

Reserve Police Officer

Reserve Police Officer

Police and Fire Volunteer

photo of pens on desk

How to Apply

Thank you for considering employment with the City of Rocklin.

All applications are submitted at For a step-by-step guide on how to apply, please view the Application Guide.

When can I apply?

Applications are accepted only for posted positions. The City will announce employment opportunities as they occur. Openings are posted on our Job Openings page.


Contact the HR Team

The Human Resources Department is located on the 2nd floor of City Hall, 3970 Rocklin Road, Rocklin, CA 95677.

Contact Human Resources

Phone:  (916) 625-5050

For problems, issues, or concerns, report a problem through Access Rocklin. Your submission will be tracked and answered in a timely manner.  General questions are for informational questions only and are answered by designees from each department on a time-available basis.


Salary Schedules

The following documents are the City of Rocklin’s salary schedules for each employee unit as of August 1, 2023.

As required by California government code, the City of Rocklin reports its employee’s annual compensation to the State Controller’s Office. The City is additionally required to provide a link to the Controller’s website where this information is displayed. The following is a direct link to the City of Rocklin’s most recent annual compensation data made available by the State Controller’s Office, along with a link to the State Controller’s Office main compensation webpage.

Confidential Salary Schedule

Management Salary Schedule

Fire Salary Schedule

Temporary Positions Salary Schedule

Police Salary Schedule

Public Safety Management Salary Schedule

Public Service Employees' Salary Schedule

Unrepresented Employees Salary Schedule

Y-Rated Salary Schedule