The Permit Process
Prior to submitting an application for an entitlement in the City of Rocklin, a Pre-Application meeting must be held with the Development Services Manager.
Pre-Application Meeting Requirements
A pre-application meeting must be held with a staff planner prior to submitting most applications for planning entitlements and permits. The purpose of the pre-application meeting is to expedite application processing by enabling staff to work with the applicant to ensure that the officially submitted application materials are in the proper format and that the applicant understands the City of Rocklin’s goals, policies, and ordinances that may affect the project. Copies of these and other planning provisions are available at the applicant’s request.
Generally, two sets of preliminary plans and a written description of the proposed project should be brought by the applicant to the pre-application meeting. To schedule this meeting, please contact a staff planner at the Community Development Department by calling (916) 625-5160.
Applications will not be accepted without at least one pre-application meeting.
Development Fees
The Fee Schedule lists all community development fees charged by the City of Rocklin. A copy of the City of Rocklin’s Development Fees Schedule can also be obtained at the Community Development Department.
Choose Your Permit
- Home Business
- Lot Line Adjustments
- Mobile Pushcart Permits
- Oak Tree Removal
- Photography/Filming Permit
- Temporary and Permanent Signs
- Special Events
- Universal Application
Additional Documents
Development Fees
The Fee Schedule lists all community development fees charged by the City of Rocklin. A copy of the City of Rocklin’s Development Fees Schedule can also be obtained at the Community Development Department.
Home Business Permit
Home business permits are required for all businesses that are proposed to be located in a home, including apartments. A permit is required even if the majority of the work is done away from the home, so long as the address, legal location, and physical location of the business is your residence.
Apply For a Home Business Permit
- Download and fill out the Home Business Permit Application (If you do not own your residence, you must provide a letter from your landlord or property manager giving you permission to operate a business out of the residence.)
- Bring the completed application to the Planning Division: 3970 Rocklin Road, Rocklin, CA 95677 (map)
- Pay a one-time processing fee. Find the latest costs: Fee Schedule
- Apply for a City of Rocklin Business License. (A massage therapy business also requires a Massage Permit.)
Once approved, a home business permit remains valid for as long as you stay in business, do not violate the home business regulations, and remain at that address. If you move to a different residence within the city limits of Rocklin, the home business permit may be reassigned to the new address for an additional fee.
Lot Line Adjustment Permit
The process for Lot Line Adjustment approvals requires both review by the Planning Division and the Engineering Division.
Apply For a Lot Line Adjustment Permit
- Download and fill out the Lot Line Adjustment Application
- Bring the completed application to the Planning Division: 3970 Rocklin Road, Rocklin, CA 95677 (map)
Please provide the following:
- Signed Agent Authorization form
- 2 copies of the title report for each affected property
- 3 copies of the map depicting the proposed boundary adjustment
- 2 copies of a separate map drawn to scale and show all existing structures, easements, landscaping, including trees and any other improvements and their location in relation to all of the property lines.
- For properties with differing ownership: 2 copies of the transfer description of property to be transferred only.
- 2 copies of the closure calculations with precision of closure
- Any offers of dedication.
- Street improvement plans or deferral agreements, if applicable
- 1 copy of the completed Preliminary Change of Ownership Report (to be submitted prior to recordation)
Mobile Pushcart Permit
A mobile pushcart permit includes information about the location of the pushcart, proposed location, utilities & services use, and information about the owner.
Apply For a Mobile Pushcart Permit
- Download and fill out the Mobile Pushcart Permit
- Provide with your application: a site plan drawn to scale indicating all structures, permanent or temporary, including covered areas, driveways, parking, access, surrounding properties, lot lines with dimensions, sign locations, and any other relevant information.
- Bring the completed application to the Planning Division: 3970 Rocklin Road, Rocklin, CA 95677 (map)
The mobile pushcart permit is valid for one year. After one year, the applicant may request an extension.
Oak Tree Removal Permit
In the City of Rocklin, permits are not required to prune any tree on your property, to remove any trees other than oaks, or to remove any oak tree that is less than six inches in diameter measured at 4.5 feet above the root crown.
A permit is required prior to the removal of any oak trees that are six inches or larger in diameter. The City does not charge a fee to issue oak tree removal permits. However, in some cases, mitigation for the removal of trees may be required.
Mitigation Requirements
Property owners may mitigate for the removal of oak trees by either paying into an established fund or by planting new oak trees on the property. Mitigation requirements differ for residential zone districts and commercial/industrial zone districts. Exactly when and what type of mitigation is required is generally as follows:
- For undeveloped single-family lots, oak trees that are dead or dying may be removed with no mitigation required; however, in most cases, the health of the tree will have to be verified to the City, in writing, by a certified arborist.
- Healthy oak trees may be removed but must be mitigated by the planting of two 5-gallon native oak trees for each tree removed or by paying an in lieu fee per tree into the City’s established mitigation fund.
- Heritage trees, oaks that are 24 inches in diameter or larger measured at 4.5 feet above the root crown, may also be removed but must be mitigated by the planting of five 5-gallon native oaks for each tree removed, or again by paying in lieu fees, per tree, into the City’s established mitigation fund.
For oak tree removal on undeveloped multi-family, commercial, or industrial property, contact the Planning Division.
Documents and Application
The Oak Tree Preservation Guidelines and Ordinance gives more information on oak tree regulations. These guidelines provide information on planting and building around existing oak trees, as well as pruning and disease care.
Photography / Filming Permit
The City Managers Office coordinates issuance of Filming Permits. Filming includes staging, shooting, filming, videotaping, photographing for commercial and non-theatrical productions. A permit is not required for filming for the purposes of reporting on events or persons that are in the news for print publications, television, cable and other news media.
Documents and Application
There is a film permit fee; plus, fees will be charged for actual costs incurred by the city for providing employees, equipment rental, facilities rental, utilities, and similar costs.
- Photography/Filming Permit
- Municipal Code Chapter 12.32 (Filming Activities)
Sign Permit
Businesses are required to comply with the City of Rocklin’s Sign Ordinance (Chapter 17.75) as well as the citywide Design Review Guidelines. With limited exceptions all signs, permanent and temporary, are required to obtain an approved sign permit from the Planning Division of the Economic and Community Development Department before they are put up. In many cases, signs will also need a building permit to be approved by the Building Division.
Types of Signage
Types of temporary signage and advertising include, but are not limited to the following:
- Banner Signs
- Flags
- Balloons
- Inflatable Objects
- A-Frame Signs
For temporary, noncommercial signs, view Noncommercial Sign regulations.
Apply For a Sign Permit
- Download and fill out the Sign Permit Application
- Bring the completed sign permit application to the Economic and Community Development Department along with the required exhibits and fee for review and approval: 3970 Rocklin Road, Rocklin, CA 95677 (map)
Special Event Permit
Special Events are defined as events that impact surrounding properties and right-of-ways. The impacts may be classified as minimal, requiring only administrative approval, or substantial, requiring City Council approval. Minimal-impact events include Christmas tree sales, parking lot sales, and pumpkin sales. Substantial-impact events include carnivals, flea markets, and circuses.
Documents and Application
- Special Event Permit Application
- The Zoning Ordinance section on Special Events gives more information on special event permits.
Universal Application
The majority of permits & entitlements require the Universal Application Form including:
- Design Review
- General Plan Development
- Tentative Parcel Map
- Tentative Subdivision Map
- Use Permit
- Variance
- Zoning
Documents and Application
The Universal Application Package contains all of the City documents you need to submit for any of the above permits. This package includes:
- Application Submittal Requirements / Check-In Sheet
- Universal Application Form
- Agent Authorization Form
- Mineral Rights Owner Notification
- Low Impact Development Acknowledgement Form
- Department of Fish and Game Filing Fee Notice
- Hazardous Waste & Substances Statement
- Mitigation for Air Quality Impacts
- Environmental Information Form
- Formatting Requirements and Minimum Information to be Included on Exhibits
- Low Impact Development Fact Sheet and Checklist