Planning Services



The Planning Division provides a variety of services including:

  • Implementation and monitoring of the City’s growth and development policies
  • Processing development entitlement applications
  • Making recommendations and providing professional guidance to the City Council and Planning Commission at public hearings
  • Updating and maintaining the City’s long range planning documents
  • Processing administrative permits such as special events, oak tree removal permits, administrative variances, sign permits, and home business permits

The Planning Division provides a variety of services including:

  • Implementation and monitoring of the City’s growth and development policies
  • Processing development entitlement applications
  • Making recommendations and providing professional guidance to the City Council and Planning Commission at public hearings
  • Updating and maintaining the City’s long range planning documents
  • Processing administrative permits such as special events, oak tree removal permits, administrative variances, sign permits, and home business permits

ADU Central

What is an Accessory Dwelling Unit?

An Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU), commonly known as a “granny flat” or “mother-in-law” unit, is a smaller home on your property. ADUs can be detached (stand-alone building) or attached (connected to your home), can be a small area in your home, or can be accomplished through a garage conversion. Regardless of the type, an ADU will always contain everything someone needs to live, including a kitchen, bathroom, and place to sleep.

ADUs are permitted in all residential zones and with additional requirements, office/commercial zones.

Please review the ADU FAQ page, or contact the Planning Department for more information.


Design Review Criteria

Sierra College V Building

The City of Rocklin has adopted Design Guidelines and Criteria that are applicable to specific types of residential and non-residential projects Citywide. Topics covered include, but are not limited to: site planning, building (design, color, materials and articulation), signage (building mounted and freestanding), landscaping, pedestrian amenities, loading facilities, walls, mechanical equipment screening, trash enclosures and small lot residential subdivisions.  

These Guidelines and Criteria are utilized by staff, the Planning Commission and the City Council when reviewing specific development proposals:   View Rocklin Citywide Design Review Guidelines 

View ROCKLIN Architectural dISTRICT Guidelines  

General Plan

The City of Rocklin General Plan guides physical development of the land and expresses community goals allowing growth to meet community needs, while preserving environmental and historical integrity. 


Current Applications


Below is a list of project application requests, displayed in the order in which we received them, and are being processed by the Planning Division. These items have received only a cursory completeness review and have been forwarded to other City Departments and outside Agencies for preliminary review; the information is also available to the public for informational purposes only. 


Current Environmental Documents

The documents listed below are environmental documents that are currently available for public review prior to going to public hearing before the Planning Commission. Documents are listed by comment period end date with newest documents at the top and the oldest documents at the bottom.  


The Permit Process

Prior to submitting an application for an entitlement in the City of Rocklin, a Pre-Application meeting must be held with the Development Services Manager.

A pre-application meeting must be held with a staff planner prior to submitting most applications for planning entitlements and permits. The purpose of the pre-application meeting is to expedite application processing by enabling staff to work with the applicant to ensure that the officially submitted application materials are in the proper format and that the applicant understands the City of Rocklin’s goals, policies, and ordinances that may affect the project. Copies of these and other planning provisions are available at the applicant’s request.

Generally, two sets of preliminary plans and a written description of the proposed project should be brought by the applicant to the pre-application meeting. To schedule this meeting, please contact a staff planner at the Community Development Department by calling (916) 625-5160.

Applications will not be accepted without at least one pre-application meeting. 

The Fee Schedule lists all community development fees charged by the City of Rocklin. A copy of the City of Rocklin’s Development Fees Schedule can also be obtained at the Community Development Department.



The City is currently updating the Zoning Ordinance to produce a comprehensive, state-of-the-art, flexible, and user-friendly Code. Visit ZONE Rocklin for more information.

Click below or download the City of Rocklin Zoning Map to view Rocklin zoning categories (standard zoning districts set forth in the Rocklin Municipal Code only). To obtain development standards and other information for areas that have been designated with Planned Development (PD) zoning, you must reference the applicable general development plan.

For more zoning information, development standards of other Planned Development areas, or copies of documents, contact the Planning Division at (916) 625-5160.


Signs and Sign Permits

All permanent and temporary signs (with limited exceptions) require an approved sign permit from the Planning Division before they are put up. This includes banner signs, flags, balloons, inflatable objects, and A-frame signs. In many cases, signs will also need a building permit to be approved by the Building Division.

Apply For a Sign Permit

  1. Download and fill out the Sign Permit Application
  2. Bring the completed application and all required exhibits to the Economic and Community Development Department for approval: 3970 Rocklin Road, Rocklin, CA 95677 (map)

Additional Documents and Information


Water Efficient Landscape Guidelines & Templates

Water Efficient LandscapeAll residential landscape plans for new constructions must comply with California’s Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance (MWELO).

The City provides Residential Landscape Templates to provide guidance for submitting these plans.

  • Natural turf is preferred. The template provides direction for irrigation methods to support turf. Acceptable alternatives to turf are described in the template.
  • Artificial turfis not prohibited but strongly discouraged. Selection and installation of artificial turf materials and systems must comply with guidelines both from the City and Synthetic Turf Council.
  • Whitney Ranch projects must comply with the Whitney Ranch Design Guidelines Manual and not the enclosed templates.

Additional Documents and Information


Concrete Coverage Limits

Impermeable surfaces on homes with lot sizes over 5,000 square feet can only cover up to 60% of a residential front yard and (for corner properties) street side yard. The other 40% of ground area must be permeable surfaces, like grass, soil, landscaping, rock aggregate, decomposed granite, and similar materials.

Impermeable surfaces are any materials that prevent water from permeating into the ground. Think concrete, asphalt, and other products that form an impenetrable barrier between the topmost layer on the ground and the soil beneath. Other examples include stone, brick, pavers, patio blocks, etc. set in concrete grout (or equivalent).

Areas covered in loose rock are permeable and would not be calculated into the 60% of land allowed for impermeable surface coverage in front yard and front side yard setback areas.

Non-grouted stone, pavers, patio blocks, strip or “Hollywood Driveways,” and crushed aggregate are also considered to be permeable.

Limiting impermeable coverage helps prevent excessive vehicle parking on private property as parking is only allowed on impermeable surfaces in the City of Rocklin. It also serves to ensure minimal pervious areas are maintained on each property to aid with storm water management and allow absorption to recharge groundwater reserves.

No, the concrete coverage rule only applies to residential front yard setback and, on corner lots, the street side yard setback areas on lots over 5,000 square feet in area.

Residential concrete projects installed prior to the new coverage rules taking effect on July 7, 2019, would be exempt.

  • A property owner can also submit an exemption application to the Community Development Department at (916) 625-5160 if they have special circumstances regarding shape, size, topography, or other unique conditions of their front yard.
  • No permit is required for concrete installation in Rocklin, but the City recommends checking with the Planning Dept. at or (916) 625-5166 before starting work.
  • Projects installed after July 7, 2019 that the City determines do not meet ordinance requirements will be subject to modification or removal at the owner’s expense.
  • Read Ordinance 17.08.132 on permeable surface requirements.