General Plan


General Plan

The City of Rocklin General Plan guides physical development of the land and expresses community goals allowing growth to meet community needs, while preserving environmental and historical integrity. 

The City of Rocklin General Plan guides physical development of the land and expresses community goals allowing growth to meet community needs, while preserving environmental and historical integrity. 


General Plan Documents

Adoption of the first General Plan corresponded with the population boom and expansion of business and industry that began in 1974. Becoming popular as a place to live and do business, the City of Rocklin updated the General Plan in 1991 to reflect the diversifying character of the community. The most recent comprehensive update was in October of 2012.

Notable amendments were completed in 2015 to address Urban Levels of Flood Protection (consistent with the Central Valley Flood Protection Act) and in 2022 to incorporate the 2021 Placer County Local Multi Hazard Mitigation Plan into the Rocklin Community Safety Element by reference.  Additionally, the City’s Community Safety Element, as well as, the Community Safety Action Plan and Housing Element were comprehensively updated in 2021.

Established General Plan Amendment Hearing Dates for Calendar Year 2024

State Law requires that amendments to a City or County’s General Plan can only occur four times per calendar year. Although there are limits on the number of times the General Plan can be amended per calendar year, there can be multiple amendments acted upon per meeting.

In order to better track these actions and provide the development community and the public with reasonable expectations regarding when projects involving General Plan Amendments will be heard, the City of Rocklin has tentatively selected the following dates for Planning Commission and City Council consideration of General Plan Amendments for the calendar year 2024:

March 26, 2024
June 25, 2024
September 24, 2024
December 10, 2024

In order to make each of the respective dates above, project applications would have to have been submitted several months prior to allow for review, preparation of environmental documents, staff reports and resolutions, Planning Commission consideration and recommendation (typically no less than 5 to 6 weeks prior to the City Council hearing date) and legal notice of both the Planning Commission and City Council hearings as required by State law.

In the event that no General Plan Amendments are ready for action on one of the specific dates identified above, the City reserves the right to make adjustments to the calendar to preserve the opportunity for a maximum total of four General Plan action hearings during the calendar year.  Projects will be grouped for action in accordance with the timelines identified above or as subsequently modified by the City, when applicable.

Rocklin General Plan

Cover Page and Table of Contents
Chapter I - Introduction and Purpose
Chapter II - Summary of Goals
Chapter III - Background
Chapter IV - General Plan Elements
Chapter IV A - Land Use Element
Chapter IV B - Open Space
Chapter IV C - Circulation Element
Chapter IV D - Community Safety
Chapter IV E - Noise Element
Chapter IV F - Public Services
Chapter IV G - Housing
Chapter V - Implementation

Appendix A - Executive Summary
Appendix B - Glossary
Appendix C - References

Placer County Local Hazard Mitigation Plan

Rocklin General Plan Map

City of Rocklin General Plan Map

Rocklin General Plan Action Plan Documents

Land Use Element Action Plan
Open Space Action Plan
Circulation Element Action Plan
Community Safety Action Plan
Noise Element Action Plan
Public Services & Facilities Action Plan

The Rocklin General Plan includes a Housing Element which describes and analyzes the housing needs of Rocklin residents and issues confronted by the City.

This Housing Element also outlines the official City response to addressing the community’s housing needs in relation to availability, adequacy, and affordability.

Housing Element 2021-2029 

Rocklin Sites Maps for 2021-2029 Housing Element