Pursuant to Section 8.35.070 of the City of Rocklin Municipal Code, every owner who allows or intends to allow the use of carts outside the building of a business shall develop and implement a specific plan to prevent customers from removing carts from the business premises. This plan shall be submitted to the City’s Director of Economic and Community Development for approval. The Abandoned Cart Prevention plan must include the following elements at a minimum.
You may submit the form online or download City of Rocklin Shopping Cart Plan Form and mail to 3980 Rocklin Road, Rocklin, CA 95677
Pursuant to Section 8.35.070 of the City of Rocklin Municipal
Code, every owner who allows or intends to allow the use of carts
outside the building of a business shall develop and implement a
specific plan to prevent customers from removing carts from the
business premises. This plan shall be submitted to the City’s
Director of Economic and Community Development for approval. The
Abandoned Cart Prevention plan must include the following
elements at a minimum.
You may submit
the form online or download City of Rocklin Shopping Cart Plan Form and
mail to 3980 Rocklin Road, Rocklin, CA 95677