Rocklin's Accolades


Rocklin’s Accolades

Ribbon cutting at the grand opening of Cracker Barrel in Rocklin, CA

If you could save your client time and money, would you be interested in finding out more? Rocklin’s Advantages outline the top reasons why the City of Rocklin is a good place to do business:

Ribbon cutting at the grand opening of Cracker Barrel in Rocklin, CA

If you could save your client time and money, would you be interested in finding out more? Rocklin’s Advantages outline the top reasons why the City of Rocklin is a good place to do business:

  • More than 49 percent of Rocklin residents 25 or older hold a bachelor’s degree or higher
  • Rocklin offers two universities within its boundaries, Sierra Community College and William Jessup University
  • Rocklin was named in the top 50 best places to live in America by Money Magazine in 2021
  • Rocklin achieved a “very low cost” ranking (Kosmont 2009 Cost of Doing Business Survey)
  • Rocklin Unified is the #1 ranked School District in Placer County and is ranked #2 in the metropolitan region
  • Rocklin has the lowest crime rate in Placer County and is #2 in the metropolitan region
  • Rocklin has the lowest monthly wastewater rates in Placer County
  • Rocklin has the most stable political environment in Placer County and the metropolitan region
  • Rocklin has the best Fire ISO rating in Placer County
  • Rocklin is the first ClimateSmart City in California
  • Rocklin has the highest incorporated city median household income in Placer County and the metropolitan region
General information


Rocklin provides businesses and developers with assistance in the site location/development process including the following:

Development Agreements

The City of Rocklin may consider use of a development agreement (DA) for strategic development projects. Development agreements are based on benefits accruing to both parties, the public agency and the developer/business. A principal incentive provided as part of a development agreement is locking in a development entitlement longer than the traditional two years. DAs are negotiated agreements between the private developer/business and the public agency.

Development Fee Estimates

Get estimates on the fees to construct a new building.
Contact: City of Rocklin Building Division

Development Permit Assistance

Meet with development services prior to formally submitting development plans. Get information on development policies, procedures, and permitting requirements.
Contact: City of Rocklin Community Development Department


Tax-Exempt Bond Financing for Development Fees and Public Improvements – This program, known as the Statewide California Infrastructure Program (SCIP), enables developers to pay development impact fees or fund public improvements long term (up to 25 years) at tax-exempt interest rates.

Tax-Exempt Industrial Development Bonds – This program offers qualified manufacturing firms tax-exempt bond financing for purchase of land and construction and/or purchase or manufacturing facilities and manufacturing equipment. The interest rate on these bonds is typically 65 percent to 70 percent of the current prime rate.

Contact: California Statewide Communities Development Authority (CSCDA)
[SCIP application]

Labor Training and Assistance

Get assistance in obtaining qualified workers, employment training cost reimbursement and tax credit information.
Contact: The Placer County Office of Economic Development

Utility Rebates and Incentives

Optimizing the energy efficiency of your facility reduces your energy costs. It can earn you incentives and rebates, benefit the environment, and help PG&E manage the cost and supply of energy for everyone.

For more information, please email us at

For certain projects, SPMUD will enable projects with more than 20 equivalent dwelling units (edu’s) to pay their application connection fees over time.

Key components include:

  • Single parcel ownership commercial and industrial uses
  • Interest rate is 1% over Local Agency Investment Fund Rate (LAIF)
  • Deferrals are up to five years
  • A property lien is used to secure the deferral
  • City of Rocklin must declare project of economic benefit and also agree to defer fees