Rocklin Housing


Housing Services

The Housing Division is part of the City Manager's Office. The division is responsible for administration, monitoring, and implementations of the City's federal, state, and local housing and community development funds.

The Housing Division, in conjunction with the Planning Division, are responsible for implementing the Housing Element of the City’s General Plan.


The Housing Division is part of the City Manager’s Office. The division is responsible for administration, monitoring, and implementations of the City’s federal, state, and local housing and community development funds.

The Housing Division, in conjunction with the Planning Division, are responsible for implementing the Housing Element of the City’s General Plan.



Affordable Housing
Vicara at Whitney Ranch

The City of Rocklin’s Affordable Housing program consists of the condos at Vicara at Whitney Ranch. The Vicara at Whitney Ranch project provided 264 low income condos, with 2 and 3 bedroom units. Resale restrictions remain on the unit to maintain affordability for 30 years. 

The 2025 gross annual income limit for the 2 bedrooms is $84,900 and $94,300 for the 3 bedrooms. The maximum Affordable Purchase Price is $271,943 for the 2 bedrooms and $306,820 for the 3 bedrooms. 

The City recently updated our processes and will only review applications of those selected by a current seller. To view available properties, please see the Affordable Housing Units on the Market list below. Once a qualified buyer has been selected by the seller, the City will review the Affordable Housing Program Application in its entirety and all supplemental documents.

Some condos have a previous down payment assistance (DPA) loan from the City of Rocklin.  The City of Rocklin no longer provides funds for any new loans, which means loans are to be transferred from the seller of the property to the new buyer. Loans range from $8,000 to $25,000 and if the applicant is approved to the program, the application is also automatically approved for the loan.


Affordable Housing Incentive Program

The Affordable Housing Incentive Program for Qualified Affordable Housing Developments was adopted by City Council by Resolution on January 23, 2024. 

The purpose of the Affordable Housing Incentive Program is for the City of Rocklin to meet Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) projections by working with housing developers to expand opportunities for affordable lower-income and workforce housing. The City of Rocklin’s RHNA is a minimum projection of additional housing units needed to accommodate projected household growth at all income levels by the end of the Housing Element’s statutory planning period. RHNA projects the need for a total of 1,911 Very Low Income units and 1,151 Low Income units.

Click below to view the three components of the Affordable Housing Incentive Program.


Community Development Block Grant
Entitlement Community

The CDBG Program grants federal funds to state and local governments for a variety of housing and community development activities. The City receives CDBG funding as an Entitlement Community. The national objectives of the program, administered nationally by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) are to:

  • Provide decent housing,
  • Create a suitable living environment, and
  • Expand economic opportunities for low and moderate-income people.

See the Planning documents provided below to learn more about the city’s use of these funds.


Fair Housing

Persons who believe they have experienced discrimination in housing rental, sales, or financing because of race, color, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, marital status, handicap, or familial status can contact any of the following organizations.

California Department of Consumer Affairs

(800) 952-5210 or (916) 445-0660

California Department of Fair Employment & Housing

(800) 884-1684 (800) 700-2320 [TTY]


Resources for Persons with Developmental Disabilities

The City of Rocklin has prepared a list of various organizations focusing on the needs of Rocklin persons with developmental disabilities. These organizations provide support to individiuals and families who have physical, learning, language, or behavioral impairment. These conditions begin before the age of 18, have an impact on daily life, and generally last throughout a person’s life.