Landscaping, Creeks & Open Space
Adopt-a-Creek Program
There are over 44 miles of creeks in Rocklin. Urbanization causes trash to build up in our open space preserves and enter our creeks. You can help by adopting a creek in your neighborhood! Perfect for service groups, businesses, and youth organizations!
Landscaping and Parks Maintenance
Maintaining Medians and Parkways
Re-landscaping medians is done by City of Rocklin staff. Regular maintenance, weed control, hedging and pruning are handled by various contract landscape companies hired by the City of Rocklin.
The entire irrigation system for all median and parkway landscaping is maintained by City staff, as is over ten miles of wood fencing.
Landscape Inspection and Compliance
Managed Grazing
Anyone living in California knows how easily wildfire can devastate a community. One of the many responsibilities a property owner has is to minimize fire hazard by controlling excess vegetation on their property.