Fire Station 24
Fire Station 24 Apparatus
Tiller Truck
Truck 24 (T24) is an Aerial Ladder Truck that is specifically designed and equipped to handle many types of emergencies. In addition to the identifiable 107’ aerial ladder located on top, a fire truck carries multiple sized ground ladders that aid in fire suppression and rescue operations. T24 has the capacity to store and transport the specialized tools and equipment that won’t fit on the smaller fire engines. This specialized equipment is often necessary to help mitigate structure fires, vehicle accidents, medical emergencies, rope rescues, hazardous materials incidents, public assists and much more. T24 is a Tractor Drawn Aerial, which means it is similar in size to a tractor trailer. The rearmost wheels of the trailer can steer or “tiller”, which gives T24 the maneuverability of a vehicle half its length.
Type 3 Wildland Engine
A Type 3 Engine is specifically designed and equipped to handle fires that occur in the wildland setting. They carry the hose, water and pump necessary to extinguish fires that require “off-road” capabilities, in order to access. A Type 3 engine is smaller and lighter than a Type 1 Engine and usually is equipped with 4-wheel drive.
Battalion Chief Vehicle
The Battalion Chief unit is a passenger vehicle utilized by the on-duty Battalion Chief. It typically responds to calls where multiple units are responding, such as confirmed structure fires, large vegetation fires, rescues, hazardous materials incidents, multiple-patient incidents, and active shooter events. When a battalion chief arrives on scene, they will typically take over as incident command (the first fire captain to arrive at an incident is typically the initial incident commander). In this role, they are responsible for coming up with strategies and tactics to mitigate the incident.
New Tiller Truck Provides Rocklin Fire Flexibility
The Rocklin Fire Department is equipped with the tools and training to assist Rocklin residents in a wide variety of emergencies.
The newest, and largest, tool in their box is a 62-ft tiller truck, designed to provide better angles to attack structure fires, offer improved mobility in tight spaces, and increase Rocklin Fire’s rescue capabilities.