Streaming Video of Rocklin Meetings Now Available
Streaming Video of Rocklin City Council, Commission Meetings Now Available
streaming video of Rocklin City Council and other commission
meetings is now available on your computer or smartphone!
The Rocklin City Council has made it a priority to remain
transparent and encourage citizen participation in public
meetings and remote, live access, does just that. Streaming audio
was added in 2017 and streaming video further improves the online
meeting experience.
To view the City Council or other commission meetings on your
computer, first click the live streaming video link on the
Rocklin meeting page you are interested in. This link will take
you to an instruction page, outlining the simple process, and a
path to our new meeting management pages.
Access to the live video stream for a meeting in progress can be found on the meeting listing page. A red video camera icon will be visible next to the meeting date and will begin playing with the click of a mouse.
Past meeting video can be viewed in much the same way by clicking the “online agendas” link. Agendas will even offer direct video links to specific items. No more searching through a large audio file for the item of interest to you. For smartphone users looking for past meeting video, first click the meeting of interest, then choose the online agenda link to access video for each item.
Instructions, with visuals to help users through the simple process, can be found at and the City hopes the videos inspire additional residents get involved in local government.