Rocklin Focused on Fire Safety


The City of Rocklin is fortunate to have designated open space lands throughout its limits, adding to the beauty and character of the area. The open space, often including dry grasses and other vegetation, also increases the community’s fire risk and calls for focused attention to fire safety by public and private landowners.

Rocklin residents and property owners play a key role in preventing wildfires by keeping grasses and other vegetation on their property trimmed to standards.

A recently updated Rocklin ordinance, which is similar to state requirements, outlines fire safety rules for lots 0.50 acres or less and lots greater than 0.50 acres.  Lots 0.50 acres or less must mow grass/weeds to a height of less than 4” and remove all flammable vegetation on the property.  Lots greater than 0.50 acres are required to mow grass/weeds to a height of less than 4” and remove flammable vegetation within a 100’ of any structure, or to the property line, whichever is least.  In addition, a 20’ perimeter surrounding the property shall also be mowed or cleared of flammable vegetation and material. 

The City of Rocklin also requires owners of vacant parcels to keep their properties up to standard on a year-round basis. Land owners are notified by a letter each spring that they can take care of their own vacant land or choose to have the City  address vegetation. By the end of May, all vacant land not meeting standards will be listed for abatement by a weed control contractor hired by the City, with owners being invoiced for the work.

The City itself is also required to control vegetation on open space lands that it is responsible for and often turns to managed grazing to get the work done. Sheep are used when vegetation is green and goats when things begin to dry out. This effective, eco-friendly strategy can also be implemented by private landowners after obtaining a free permit.

Learn more about fire safety, weed abatement and managed grazing by visiting t fire-fuel-reduction-weed-control.