Year Long Benefits
- Your logo on 125th Anniversary website
- Recognition in one City-Sponsored Chamber Newsletter Article
- Feature in one City Business & Development Newsletter
Event-Specific Benefits
- Two tickets to the Chamber Dinner and Business Awards with verbal stage recognition during Business Legacy Award presentation. Opportunity to provide giveaway to 225 members.
- 125th Anniversary Celebration at Quarry Park: Second stage sponsorship banner recognition. Sponsorship signage. Favorable 10×10 ft. booth space. Verbal stage recognition. Recognition in event news release. E-blast recognition. One social media mention each on Facebook and Twitter prior to and after event.
- State of the City: Logo in City presentation slide deck for 125th Anniversary Sponsors. Verbal stage recognition during city presentation.
- 125th Anniversary “Then and Now” Art Contest: Listed as presenting sponsor of art contest. Logo included in all art contest promotional e-blasts. Recognition during art contest awards process.
- 125th Anniversary Parade: Business float entry with prominent placement. Logo included on sponsorship sign prominently placed. Four tickets to Kiwanis Community Celebration. E-blast recognition. One social media mention each on Facebook and Twitter prior to and after event.
- Hot Chili & Cool Cars: Logo included on signs near 125th Anniversary vehicle displays. Logo included on 125th Anniversary signage at City of Rocklin booth.
- Voices of the Past Cemetery Tour: Logo included on sponsorship sign. Logo included on ticket sales site. Two entry tickets to Cemetery Tour. E-blast recognition.