Land Use and RHNA Ad Hoc Committee Meetings to Begin Oct. 19


The City Council formed the Land Use/Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) Ad Hoc Committee in August of 2018 to provide the City Council with recommendations pertaining to land use balance, guidelines for evaluation of specific types of rezones, updates to the RHNA available sites inventory, and development standards for mixed use zones.

Click here to access RHNA Committee agendas, meeting materials, minutes, and recorded audio of the meetings.

The focus of the group’s efforts will be on the following items:

  1. Review and provide recommendations related to the Land Use Balance Assessment.
  2. Develop guidelines to evaluate requests for rezoning/re-designation of property from non-residential to residential and/or increase residential densities to 22+ units per acre.
  3. Develop recommendations to update the City’s inventory of available sites for affordable residential development and any additional criteria for considering future changes to the inventory with the goal of meeting the City’s RHNA.
  4. Prepare recommendations to clarify the standards for development in Mixed Use zones.

Ad Hoc Committee Membership

  • 2 City Council Members
  • 2 Planning Commissioners 
  • 1 Former Mayor
  • 2 Housing Developers With Experience in Rocklin
  • 1 Affordable Housing Developer
  • 1 Building Industry Association (BIA) Representative

Primary Staff to Work with Ad Hoc Committee

  • 2 City Staff -  ECD Director and the Director of Long Range Planning and Housing
  • City Attorney

Proposed Meeting Conduct, Subject to Discretion of the Ad Hoc Committee

  • Anticipated Duration of Meetings – approximately 6 months.

  • Length of Each Meeting – 2 hours per meeting.
  • Frequency – 2 times per month.
  • Agendas – Will be posted on the City Website and the posting box at the entrance to City Hall pursuant to the Brown Act.
  • Public Attendance – All meetings will be open to the public and conducted in compliance with Brown Act Regulations.
  • Recommendations from the Committee – Will be based on the consensus of the majority of members present and ultimately forwarded to the City Council for consideration and potential action.