City Council Approves Strategic Plan


Rocklin Strategic Plan - Adopted Jan 2019

Thank you for your interest in the City of Rocklin’s Strategic Plan.

City leadership is dedicated to providing Rocklin residents with an exceptional quality of life, while maintaining our small-town sense of community. As the chief executive officer of the City, I supervise operations, direct departments and services, and enforce the laws and policies as adopted by the City Council. To help us prudently manage resources and serve the people of Rocklin, the City Council and staff recently updated the City’s strategic plan that guides department operations and projects.

We invite you to review our latest strategic plan, which focuses on five headline goals:

  1. Maintain and Enhance Rocklin’s Physical Environment – The City’s physical infrastructure meets best-practice standards and represents prudent fiscal management.
  2. Ensure a Safe and Secure Community – Rocklin is a safe and secure community in which to live, recreate, raise a family and operate a business.
  3. Promote Economic Vitality - Opportunities in Rocklin result in a healthy economy.
  4. Promote a Sustainable Community - Strong neighborhoods require a sufficient mix of housing options, responsive police and fire services, and attention to Rocklin’s quality of life.
  5. Enhanced and Informative City Communications - As a City that works for its residents, our communication must be helpful to those who live, work and visit Rocklin.

Our strategic plan is a “living document” with action plans for each department. It serves as our guide and will be reviewed on a regular basis with City Council. We invite you to stay up to date by engaging in City communications to receive updates, and to attend or review our City Council meetings. More information about City meetings can be found at:

On behalf of the City and all Rocklin staff, it is a privilege to strive each day to provide the highest level of service to residents and businesses. Thank you for contributing to the vitality of Rocklin by living, working, and recreating in our community and together we will continue to create the environment necessary for sustained prosperity and growth.

Steve Rudolph, City Manager