Child Fingerprinting & ID


The Police Department provides parents with Child Identification Kits several times throughout the year at numerous community events. The Police Department also helps with fingerprinting and ID photos for this purpose.

Child Identification Kit
Watch for Upcoming Events on our police home page

What is a Child Identification Kit?

A Child Identification Kit is a record of a child’s personal identifying information, such as fingerprints, a recent photo, and DNA.

What is a Child Identification Kit used for?

This kit helps identify your child if he or she is missing or lost. Having this information recorded saves crucial time in the event that you and/or law enforcement are searching for your child.

Does the Rocklin Police Department keep records of my child’s information?

The Child Identification Kits, photographs, and fingerprints are turned over to the parents/guardians. They are not filed at or maintained by the Rocklin Police Department.

How much does fingerprinting cost?

There is no charge for fingerprinting children at Rocklin Police Department community events.

When is the next free community event?

Contact the Police Crime Prevention Coordinator at (916) 625-5400 to find out when and where the next event will be held.