City Meetings Streaming Video
Instructions for Use
How to Access The Live Video Stream For A Meeting In Progress
You can access the live video stream for a meeting in progress using the meeting search page. Find the meeting in the search results. You will see a red video camera icon next to the meeting date if the live video stream for the meeting is currently available. Click on the red video camera icon.
The Meeting Video player will appear. Click on the play button as shown in the image below.
The live video will then start playing on your computer.
How to Access The Archived Video For A Past Meeting
You can access the video for a past meeting from the meeting search page. The online agenda icon for the meeting will change from to
when the video is published.
Click on the online agenda icon to access the online agenda and then click on the video links in the online agenda to access the video.
After clicking on the video link, the video player will open in a new window and begin playing from the index point selected.