Community Resources
Free Food Distribution by Feeding the Foothills
Distribuciónes de comida gratis
Rocklin Free Food Distribution (PantryToGo)
We offer a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables and more! We will ask for basic information about you and your household to improve our services. You are also welcome to pick up for other folks in need who can’t make it to the distribution. More information at
¡Ofrecemos una variedad de frutas y verduras frescas y más! Le pediremos información básica sobre usted y su hogar para mejorar nuestros servicios. También puedes recoger comida para otras personas que no pueden llegar a la distribución. Para más información y recursos, visite
Lighthouse Counseling & Family Resource Center
Lighthouse Counseling & Family Resource Center has served residents across Placer County since 1996. The center offers families and individuals free counseling, educational classes, and programs that help with a range of personal challenges from anxiety and depression, abuse and neglect, and trauma. Classes offered aid clients with employment, empowerment, emotional management, and other life skills. Lighthouse Counseling & Family Resource Center serves approximately 3000 Placer County residents with quality services and classes each year.
The Gathering Inn
The Gathering Inn is a multi-faceted agency that provides a variety of services and activities for the homeless in Rocklin and throughout Placer County. These services include rental assistance and housing relocation and stabilization, as well as comprehensive services like employment assistance and basic medical care. Since its start in 2004, The Gathering Inn has grown to become the foremost program serving individuals threatened by homelessness in Placer County.
Stand Up Placer
Stand Up Placer is dedicated to the empowerment of Placer County survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault and human trafficking as they heal from their trauma and create lives of strength and self-sufficiency. The agency provides a comprehensive array of services that help survivors to determine and achieve their own goals. Major services include a 24/7 crisis line, emergency safe house, emergency food and clothing, clinical therapy, case management, legal advocacy, assistance, and court accompaniment, and a supportive housing program. The CDBG funded-program consists of therapy services to survivors and crisis intervention and advocacy services to Rocklin survivors. Service offices in Roseville and Auburn offer assistance by appointment or walk-in.
For immediate help 24/7, contact the crisis hotline at (800) 575-5352.
Seniors First
Seniors First provides a hot, healthy lunch five days a week to seniors age 60 and over at seven Senior Café locations throughout Placer County including Auburn, Lincoln, Rocklin and Roseville. Our Senior Cafés are lively gathering places that help maintain our clients’ sense of community and connectedness. Approximately 350 meals are served each month at the Rocklin Café, which is located in an easily accessible location at the Rolling Oaks Apartments.
PLEASE NOTE: Seniors First is concerned about what the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19) could mean for the senior community we serve and has made the decision to temporarily close our congregate Senior Cafés as a precautionary measure effective Tuesday, March 10, 2020 for dine-in services.
While the community cafés will be closed for meal service, we will continue to provide your daily meals on a take-out basis. You may stop by your regular café location to pick up a meal to take home. (Please reserve your meal 24 hours in advance). Seniors First is also still offering meal delivery services through Meals on Wheels.
The safety of our clients and volunteers remains our highest priority. We will continue to monitor news and information from the experts in disease control and will resume café meal services when we feel it is safe to do so.
For more information on protective measures against the virus, visit the Rocklin Coronavirus page.