September 26 City Council Meeting Recap
Safe & Sane Fireworks; Proclamation Recognizing Parks & Recreation Director Kevin Huntzinger; Sign Deposits & Abatements
Safe and Sane Fireworks
Rocklin City Council was presented with an ordinance to modify the prohibitions against the use of fireworks to allow for the discharge of safe and sane fireworks for special occasions.
These modifications would expand the allowance of safe and sane fireworks by utilizing the existing Residential Street Closure permit, which is currently situated for residents who want to have block parties and special events on their street. This updated ordinance would allow residents to utilize safe & sane fireworks for approved special events within the City. These permits will be evaluated by the Rocklin Fire Department and City staff, those deemed unsafe events will be denied. Any person who hosts an event in which unlawful fireworks are discharged would be strictly liable for the use of fireworks. Those liable shall be subject to administrative citations and fines.
An updated application and process will be available to residents once finalized.
Council unanimously voted in favor of the ordinance modifications.
Outgoing Parks & Recreation Director Kevin Huntzinger Honored By Rocklin City Council
Council recognized Parks & Recreation Director Kevin Huntzinger, who recently accepted a position with the Sunrise Recreation & Parks District.
Kevin has dedicated nearly two decades of service to City of Rocklin. He began working for Rocklin Parks and Recreation in 2005, holding progressively responsible roles within the department.
Rocklin Mayor Ken Broadway presented an official farewell to Kevin during the meeting.
“Throughout his tenure at City of Rocklin, Kevin has demonstrated remarkable work ethic, tireless dedication to public service, civility and professionalism. Kevin has notable accomplishments including overseeing successful programs at Quarry Park Adventures, design of the Whitney Park Pump Track, development of the Sunset Whitney Recreation Area Master Plan and coordinating numerous special events in our city parks.
“Kevin will be missed by all members of our City team, as well as by members of this community.”
Temporary Sign Deposits and Abatement
City staff presented challenges to enforcing codes brought about from the adoption of revised regulations in 2021 in reference to the current Rocklin Municipal Code and noncommercial temporary signs. Signs are often placed on public property or not removed within appropriate time frames from private property. City staff spends several hours per year abating signs in violation of this code and the existing code does not allow for cost recovery during the citation process to obey these signs.
Staff recommended an amendment to the current municipal code, which includes the following regulations:
- A deposit of $500, provided to the City Clerks Office, before temporary non-commercial signs can be placed in the City. This deposit encourages the proper placement of signs and the removal of signs after the event is concluded.
- Removal of signs, which would grant City staff the authority to impose a fee charged against the sign deposit for improperly placed signs. The abatement process on private property is complaint driven, and staff would be able to investigate appropriately. Signs placed on City property would be abated as a continued enforcement practice.
Council approved of these amendments in a 4-1 vote.