Rocklin Reclassified With Exceptional Fire Safety Rating


City of Rocklin has maintained it’s ISO (Insurance Services Office) rating at a Classification 2, effective January 1, 2025.

On a scale of 1-10, with a rating of 1 denoting the best ability to respond to a fire and a 10 signaling little or no fire protection, the City was classified as a 2 on the Public Protection Classification (PPC). Only 1,800 communities in the country have this rating or higher.

A PPC reflects the City’s ability to protect insured goods in a fire, and better ratings lead to lower insurance costs! The score is based on emergency communications (911), water supply, and the fire department’s training, response, and equipment.

The Rocklin Fire Department (RFD) works diligently to target endeavors that will benefit the City and residents that the department can incrementally work towards.

RFD also emphasizes public health and safety through community risk reduction campaigns and routine business inspections to lower fire risk for all residents. To see what you can do to reduce your fire risk, click here.