January 14 Rocklin City Council Recap
Arts Commissioner Appointed By City Council
During Tuesday night’s Rocklin city council meeting, City Clerk Avinta Singh swore in newly appointed Arts Commissioner Pranil Shankar.
The Arts Commission was established in 2023 to serve in an advisory capacity to the City Council in the implementation of the Public Arts Master Plan. This new commissioner will assist the commission in advising Council on all matters affecting arts and culture of the city, promote programs that enrich community culture and establish an effective liaison between the city, county, and local cultural and artistic groups.
BARRO Zone Modifications Approved
Council approved modifications to Rocklin’s BARRO (Business Attraction, Retention, and Revitalization Overlay) Zone ordinances.
Established in 2012, the primary purpose of BARRO was to create an alternative zoning tool to attract, retain and revitalize local businesses, to improve streetscapes and older areas of town and to provide streamlined, regulatory processes by allowing Rocklin Staff to review projects. By utilizing this secondary zoning tool, cost and time has significantly decreased and has provided increased flexibility by allowing a mixture of commercial and residential uses by right.
To facilitate a more vibrant downtown environment, Staff will retain existing permitted uses while also allowing additional uses, including:
- Breweries, distilleries and wineries.
- Live music.
- Event Centers and Public Art Galleries.
- Artisian food and beverage production/tasting.
Council also approved of a modification authorizing the Director with the discretion to elevate any project within the BARRO zone to the planning commission for review. Additionally, Council approved increasing the maximum project size allowed within the BARRO zone from 3 acres to 5 acres, as well as amending the boundaries of the Zone to add approximately five acres of vacant property located northwest of Quarry Park Adventures on the Zone map.
Clover Valley Land Acquisition Discussion
Council discussed several key points regarding the Clover Valley Land Acquisition based on community feedback provided during the Clover Valley workshop on Dec. 4, 2024.
Watch the full discussion, here.