City of Rocklin Proclaims Local State of Emergency
The City Manager of the City of Rocklin proclaimed a local state of emergency on March 18, 2020, in response to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) public health crisis. The local emergency is in effect now, through March 24, when it can be confirmed and ratified by the Rocklin City Council.
The proclamation of a local emergency does not signify an increased risk to the residents of Rocklin. The proclamation of local emergency allows the City to utilize and provide mutual aid, secure additional resources, and potentially obtain reimbursement for activities related to the emergency from state and federal sources.
“The health and safety of Rocklin citizens, our employees and the entire community is our highest priority. This proclamation is a tool that will help Rocklin and the region continue to fight the spread of COVID-19,” Rocklin Mayor Greg Janda said. “Together we will overcome this challenge with each of us doing our part to stay informed, follow the guidelines of public health officials, and treat each other with care and respect.”
Rocklin City Council meetings will be held as scheduled until further notice, following social distancing procedures and with only essential business items on the agenda. The public is encouraged to submit public comment in advance to City Clerk Hope Ithurburn at and to view meetings live on the city’s website.
Commission meetings have been cancelled until April 30.
Parks and Recreation programs and events have been cancelled through March 31.
General City of Rocklin services continue to operate and leadership will monitor public health recommendations, evaluate procedures and make changes accordingly.
For ongoing City updates related to COVID-19, visit
Placer County declared a local health emergency and a local emergency March 3 to ensure public health professionals have all necessary tools at their disposal to keep the community safe from COVID-19. California Governor Gavin Newsom proclaimed a statewide emergency on March 4, and President Trump declared a national emergency on March 13.
Proclaiming a local emergency allows the City of Rocklin to align with state emergency management and to leverage local, state, and federal resources to contain the spread COVID-19. The declaration of a local emergency comes as local, state, and federal governments are working to control the spread of COVID-19 across the country, reduce the impact on hospital systems and protect the most vulnerable.
In collaboration with federal and state agencies, the Placer County Department of Public Health is the lead agency managing response to local novel coronavirus testing, investigations, coordination with health providers, and public information. Learn more and stay informed at