City Council Approves Amendments to Rocklin Municipal Code
During Tuesday night’s Rocklin City Council meeting, Councilmembers approved amendments to the Rocklin Municipal Code (RMC) for the use of motorized vehicles in recreation areas to enhance safety and enjoyment to all park users.
As our community continues to embrace new technologies like e-scooters and e-bikes, we have seen a corresponding increase in their use in playgrounds, skate parks, and other public recreation areas. While these devices offer convenience and recreational opportunities, their presence in these spaces have raised significant safety concerns, particularly for children and pedestrians.
“One specific area of concern is the Whitney Park Bike Pump track, which is not yet open to the public but nearing completion,” Rocklin Parks and Recreation Director Veronica Tracy explained to Council. “This is not an area for motorized vehicles, because of their high speeds and significant weight while increasing the potential for collisions with others using the track.”
Updates to the RMC prohibit motorized vehicles in playgrounds, the skate park, and new bike pump track. This will ensure that recreational spaces will remain safe areas for resident use. These updates will also introduce enforcement provisions to support these rules and expand upon existing limitations regarding motorized vehicles.
Motorized vehicles are still allowed to operate on sidewalks and trails within parks but not across trails and green spaces (fields, baseball courts and similar park amenities).
Signage referencing the updated municipal code will be posted outside of the upcoming pump track and other recreational areas.