August 13 Rocklin City Council Recap


Samantha Springer Beautifies Rocklin Library 

At Tuesday’s City Council meeting, Rocklin Councilmembers received a presentation from Samantha Springer, Eagle Scout Candidate from Rocklin’s Troop 219, regarding her recently completed Eagle project. Samantha’s passion for reading began at a young age, leading her towards wanting to complete a project that incorporated books.

When paying a visit to the Rocklin Public Library, Samantha noticed the landscaping in front of the library needed a little updating, which led her to connect with the Rocklin Friends of the Library.

“I saw the neglected space at the front of the library with the dead tree stump, mostly dirt area and the lone statue of a little girl reading a book,” Samantha told council. ”Ms. Vass (Rocklin Planning Commissioner) and I agreed that this would be a great project for the community.”

From here began her four-month endeavor to beautify the space between the pond and the library. As an Eagle Scout Candidate, Samantha was responsible for securing donations, along with design, and implementation of her project.

In total, the project required 260 volunteer hours to complete with 67 volunteers stepping up to help. Samantha coordinated all of the material donations, volunteers, and facilitation with City and library staff. Samantha shared her appreciation to the Friends of the Rocklin Library who supported the project along with staff from the City Manager’s Office and Parks and Recreation division.

National Night Out Recap

Rocklin Police Chief Rustin Banks presented council with a recap of last week’s city-wide National Night Out event. 

“Almost forty members of Team Rocklin, from all different departments, came out for the annual community building campaign that promotes community partnerships and neighborhood comradery,” Banks told Council. “This year, our community expressed interest in a larger gathering for National Night Out 2024. We listened and had two large-scale gatherings with hundreds of attendees, over twenty vendors and large displays from our Fire and Police Departments, alongside various block parties around Rocklin.”

Council thanked everyone involved for putting together a successful event for the community to enjoy.