April 23 Rocklin City Council Recap
Whitney Ranch Retail Project; Weed Abatement; Ruhkala Awards


Whitney Ranch Retail Project

City of Rocklin Senior Planner Nathan Anderson presented City Council with details regarding the development of a Whitney Ranch Retail Center.

This project is proposing to construct a commercial shopping center consisting of ten buildings, totaling approximately 95,000 square feet. The center will be anchored by an approximately 44,000 square foot Nugget Market, which will be the first large grocery store in the Whitney Ranch area. 

The project site is located at the southwestern corner of Whitney Ranch Parkway and University Avenue. The development area is zoned and designated for retail and commercial use. The Northeast corner of the project will feature primary outdoor seating and terrace arrangements alongside advanced landscaping for palm trees and a nine foot tall “Whitney Ranch” statue. Appropriate entryways and lighting will also be developed.

Councilmember Bill Halldin expressed enthusiasm for the project, ”I have lived in Whitney Ranch for seven years. To say the Whitney Ranch community has been waiting for this is an understatement. Hundreds of people will be able to walk to this shopping center now and I am excited to see this move forward.”

After further review, council unanimously agreed to move forward with the project plans. 

Watch the full discussion regarding the Whitney Ranch Retail project here. 

Vacant Property Weed Abatement Public Hearing

City Council held a special hearing regarding objections from any landowners whose property has been declared a nuisance.

The Rocklin Municipal Code states that all vacant parcels shall be abated (weeds cut down, trash removed, and/or firebreaks created to limit any potential fire hazard and allow access for fire fighting operations) on a year-round basis.

In April of each year, the owners of vacant parcels are notified, by letter, of their responsibility to abate their property. In May, a second reminder letter is sent via certified mail. 

After hearing several objections from the public, as well as certain recommendations from staff, City Council agreed to object multiple weed abatements against certain parcels and to proceed with the abatement of the other listed properties.


The Rocklin City Council held a special presentation for the 2024 Ruhkala Community Service Award Winners at the April 23 City Council meeting and honored them with an awards reception.

Award honorees include:

  • Robin Trimble – Individual Honoree
  • Leadership Rocklin – Service Organization Honoree
  • Boy Scouts of America – Youth Honoree
  • David Baker – Pioneer Honoree

Read more about each honoree.