$161,000 in Federal CARES Funding to Support Rocklin Residents in Need
The City of Rocklin annually approves use of federal Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) to support agencies serving the less fortunate in the community. More than $51,000 in total has already been distributed to Habitat for Humanity, Senior’s First, Stand Up Placer, and the Salvation Army as part of the annual CDBG action plan.
The City recently received an additional $164,189 in CDBG funds from the Coronavirus Aid Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act and Council approved plans for distribution of the funds to the agencies listed below as soon as possible.
“A number of residents have reached out over the past few months inquiring about assistance,” said Mayor Greg Janda. “The City will take advantage of the additional federal funding to provide meaningful support to organizations focused on helping those in need.”
The money will be used to reduce the risk of homelessness, fund mental health services, and provide essential item, such as food and diapers to Rocklin residents.
The federal Housing and Urban Development Dept. will now review Rocklin’s amended CDBG plans, then Rocklin will make grant agreements with each organization, and then distribute the money.