General Open Space Management Plan


The City of Rocklin General Open Space Management Plan (GOSMP) was established to conserve and protect jurisdictional waters of the U.S. and State of California, and the functions and values of existing riparian corridors, and adjacent upland habitats within established open space preserves. The City currently owns or manages over 586 acres of open space preserves, including preserves dedicated primarily to the preservation of wetland resources and riparian corridors.

The GOSMP was adopted in May 2015 and provides an overall plan by which these preserves will be funded and managed in perpetuity, and intends to allow the city to add additional holdings as they become available by appending them to this management plan.

City of Rocklin General Open Space Management Plan (GOSMP)

Appendix 1 - Deed Restrictions Template

Appendix 3a - City of Rocklin General Plan, Selected Chapters

Appendix 3b - City of Rocklin General Plan, Selected Chapters

Appendix 4 - Planning for the Future of Rocklin's Urban Forest

Appendix 5 - Oak Tree Preservation Guidelines

Appendix 6 - NRCS Report

Appendix 7 - Species List

Appendix 8 - Adaptive Management, the U.S. Department of the Interior Technical Guide

Appendix 9 - Analysis of Annual Operation and Maintenance Cost Template

Appendix 10 - Open Space Operation and Maintenance Budget

Appendix 11 - California Invasive Plant Inventory

Appendix 12 - Sample Monitoring and Inspection Data Sheets

Appendix 13 - City of Rocklin Fuel Load Reduction Guidelines, Selected Sections

Appendix 14 - Invasive Plant Management Plan

Appendix 15 - Rocklin Beaver Management Policy

Appendix 16 - City of Rocklin Grazing Plan

Appendix 17 - Vector Control Plan

Appendix 18 - Rocklin Municipal Code Section 8.30.110