Pavement Condition Index Scanning
Laser-Equipped Trucks Take Pavement Distress Data
Rocklin is going high tech to assess the condition of City-maintained streets and plan for future improvements. On Monday, April 27, City contractors began a Pavement Condition Index (PCI) Scan, utilizing laser scanners equipped to trucks to take pavement distress data for each of the 565 lane miles in Rocklin.
The laser takes thousands of data points and compiles them to determine the overall condition of each street and lane in the City. The scan will last two to three weeks, and the data collected will inform a five-year work plan.
“This scan will assess current pavement conditions to help strategize road repair and maintenance. Our goal is to continue providing safe streets for our residents, and this will help us accomplish that effectively,” Myron Phouaypha, Assistant Civil Engineer, said.
The PCI gives each street a pavement distress rating in the form of a numerical grade from 0-100. A score of 90 or higher is excellent with little distress, a grade of 80-89 is very good with slight distress, and so on. The roads with the lowest scores will be prioritized for maintenance.
Updated surface distress data must be collected on all street segments in order to be eligible for state and federal roadway funding. The services are paid for by a gasoline sales tax from the SB-325 Fund and the General Fund.