Fire Stations and Apparatus


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Fire Station 23

A firetruck located outside Fire Station 23 at 4060 Rocklin Rd. in Rocklin, CA

Fire Station 23 is located at 4060 Rocklin Rd (Get Directions). The Station houses a Type 1 Structure Engine, a Type 3 Wildland Engine, a Breathing Support Unit, and the Fire Departments first piece of motorized apparatus, a 1936 Dodge VanPelt Pumper. Fire Station 23 is also home for the Fire Administration office.

Fire Station 24

A firetruck located outside Fire Station 24 at 3401 Crest Dr. in Rocklin, CA

Fire Station 24 is located at 3401 Crest Dr (Get Directions). The Station houses a 100 foot Tractor Drawn Tiller Truck, a Type 3 Wildland Engine, and a reserve Ladder Truck.

Fire Station 25

A firetruck located outside Fire Station 25 at 2001 Wildcat Blvd. in Rocklin, CA

Fire Station 25 is located at 2001 Wildcat Blvd (Get Directions). The Station houses a Type 1 Structure Engine and a Type 3 Wildland Engine.